Business Code of Conduct
The Business Code of Conduct is a guide for every day conduct as a member of the NWBO. It is the goal of the Network to embrace, enhance, empower, equip, and esteem women business owners in areas of professionalism and economic development. To Help them WIN in business!
Business owners strive with the spirit of excellence in their field of business.
Business owners respect the culture and diversity of all women in business.
Business owners are not bias or prejudice in every day business dealings.
Business owners operate their establishments in a manner of righteous-integrity.
Business owners show a willingness to embrace the concept of sharing expertise to strengthen other business owners.
Business owners share in networking events, workshops, and forums to ensure development in areas of specific need.
Business owners promote each other in business to foster peace, harmony, and long-lasting rapport in human relationships and to help each other to reach their full potential and purpose.
Business owners patronize each other in business to positively impact each other’s financial success.
It’s a Victory to Victory type Network.