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Victoriyah Smith, Founder of the NWBO

(Married to Mr. Willie Smith Jr. for 25 years.)

Founder of the NWBO

Victoriyah Smith is a visionary, evangelist, author, creator, producer, instructor, consultant, Certified mental health therapist, movitational speaker and entrepreneur. In addition, she is a Licensed Master Social Worker. She is best known for her role as the founder of the Network of Women Business Owners LLC, a full-service, one-stop, resource hub for professional business women. The NWBO was established in 2014 in Gulfport, Mississippi.

Victoriyah works as the Director for the SPOSA Services organization. To date, serves as a Certified job skills trainer; and a Certified instructor for parent trainings.

While establishing her businesses, Victoriyah simultaneously obtained her master’s degree in Social Work from the University of Alabama in 2017 and her bachelor’s degree in Social Work from the University of Southern Mississippi in 2014. In addition, she obtained an associate’s degree in Business Management from Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College in 2012. Furthermore, Victoriyah has added specialized certifications (Business Consultant) (Parent Instructor) to her educational profolio.

Most recently she was accepted into the Golden Key International Honour Society for her outstanding academic and leadership achievements. She also received the Public Service Award 2022 from the Center for Nonviolence; Certification from the International Association for Professionals; and a Certification from the National Association for Parenting Instructors.

Victoriyah has added many awards and honors in the field of leadership and academic excellence to her portfolio including;

Academic Honor - Advanced Standing from University of Alabama; Who’s Who in American Universities and Colleges from the University of Southern Mississippi; School of Government Association Representative from University of Mississippi; Certificate of Scholastic Excellence from University of Southern Mississippi; and School of Social Work Outstanding Student of the Year from University of Southern Mississippi.

She resides in Gulfport, Mississippi with her husband, Willie; and her (4) children and grandchildren reside in the state of Texas.

She is available to conduct speeches and facilitate professional development training workshops for professional women groups, organizations, and empowerment business events to help women find their true purpose. Please give her a (2) two-week advance notice.